Rustic RV Camping

If you’re planning a rustic RV camping trip, the last thing you’ll want to deal with is the possibility of losing power while you’re out in the middle of nowhere. But you won’t have to worry if your Recreational Vehicle (RV) is equipped with an ODYSSEY® battery. If you want true peace of mind to enjoy your trip, you won’t choose any other type of battery.

A Powerful Combination

rustic RV campingODYSSEY® batteries combine Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) and proprietary Thin Plate Pure Lead (TPPL) technology that sets it apart from alternative battery chemistries.

If you’re taking an RV to a rustic camping site, you’re more than likely going to encounter rough, rock-filled terrain. All batteries have fluid inside. The fluid contains electrolytes, substances that enable the battery to produce power. Typical batteries can’t handle jostling and will usually leak fluid. Leaking could render your RV battery useless.

AGM batteries are sealed, making them spill proof. The electrolyte can still do what it needs to do, but the liquid stays where it belongs. The importance of TPPL technology also has to do with power. All batteries have lead plates inside. Without getting too deep into the science, these plates produce the power that the battery supplies to the rest of the vehicle – in your case, the RV you’re going to be taking on the road.

ODYSSEY® batteries feature thinner plates than what you’ll find in the average battery. Because they’re thin, we can fit more of them inside. All you need to know is that more plates equal more power. ODYSSEY® batteries not only deliver twice the power of average batteries, but they also last three times as long. There’s simply no other battery that comes close.

What to Remember About Rustic RV Camping

Rustic RV camping is a fantastic way to get away from the pressures of everyday life. A rustic campsite is much more private than a traditional campsite. You’ll probably have to travel on a gravel or dirt road to get there – which is more reason to have a premium ODYSSEY® battery in your RV.

Once you get to the campsite, there won’t be any plumbing. There might be a facility available with biodegradable toilet paper and hand sanitizers – but then again, there might not. You’ll want to make sure you have plenty of water for the bathroom in your RV.

Speaking of water, there’s a good chance you’ll have to get yours from a metal hand pump or a well. The well could be dry, especially if you’re going during a busy part of the season. That’s another reason you’ll want to bring more water on your trip than you think you’ll need.

We hope you have a blast on your rustic RV camping trip. But if you want it to be a huge success, you’ll put an ODYSSEY® battery in your RV before you head out for your adventures.